Natural Process

Did you know about the natural process? Here I explain it to you.

Ed Piedra

12/1/20231 min read

Natural process coffee is a traditional method of processing coffee beans that doesn’t involve any machinery or water (low emission way to dry coffee). After the coffee cherries are picked, they are placed in water to float. Each cherry is then carefully inspected so that under-ripe and overripe fruits can be removed. The coffee is then placed on raised beds, known as African beds, to allow air to flow around the entire fruit and help offer a more even drying process. This drying process can take anywhere from 3 to 6 weeks. During this time, the coffee is turned or raked several times per day. Once the fruits are completely dry, they are then sent out for hulling. This is where the seed is removed from the fruit. After hulling, the final step in the process is dry milling or removing the skin from the seed 1.

Natural process coffee has a distinct flavor. Thanks to the act of leaving the coffee beans inside the cherries longer, most people note a very full-bodied, fruity flavor. You’ll also detect quite a bit of sweetness thanks to the infusion of the natural sugars found inside the cherries that are allowed to stay with the coffee beans longer. When it comes to people’s taste buds, natural process coffee can be hit or miss. With so many people never tasting coffee processed in this way, they are often shocked by the sweetness and overly fruity flavors. It is difficult to determine what the exact flavors will be during this process. This gives those who are willing to sample a taste of natural processed coffee a unique experience with each cup.

Enjoy... :)

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